On board m/v Westgard

A wish is a prediction of  something you are able to achieve.

Saturday 23 January 2010


Our friends form Belgium come to visit us. At the place where we are now it's possible. In other harbours it can be so difficult to welcome people on board you simply have to forget it. Sailors have faced having to drag their grandmother underneath a fence that wouldn't open. Whole families were refused acces to the ship because of safety-regulations gone mad. Redigulous! But here in Zeebrugge, quay nr. 309 there is no crazy security-man in a uniform and big fences with camera's all over.
This is Aaron, a nice boy, crazy about ships since he was an infant. He is a good listener and we show him around the whole ship. I take photo's on every location, for the project he is going to do about the Westgard at school. Nobody wants to become a sailor nowadays, so we have to be very carefull with this young fan.

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