On board m/v Westgard

A wish is a prediction of  something you are able to achieve.

Saturday 23 January 2010

At sea 16-01-'10

The dockers fill up the hold in one day. At night around 02.00u the pilot comes on board to guide us and after the engineer has started the main engine we leave for Finland. It's four and a half day's sailing. At the North sea there's a strong wind blowing, but it's not too cold. But on the Elbe we meet the first drifting ice. It's clear, we sail towards extreme temperatures. On the ice chart I find that half the gulf of Botnia is covered by ice. Further up north we cannot sail without the assistance of an icebreaker. But at first we will try to follow icetracks. At night we nead the searchlight. The ship is shaking, and rattling. Every time we ram thick ice a big bang sounds and the ship moans.

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